Reiki is a sacred gift from the Ancients to our modern day world. It was rediscovered by Mikao Usui in Japan and now is available to all of us.

Reiki healing is a pure energy form. Reiki is Universal Love. It is safe to use anywhere at anytime and on anyone.

-REIKI is pronounced “Ray-Key”

-REI means “Universal” and refers to Spiritual consciousness. It is the wisdom that comes from God and it is all knowing.

-KI is the same as Chi in Chinese or Prana in Sanskrit. It is the life force which flows through and animates all living things.

Reiki energy is healing, harmonizing and balancing. Reiki energy ~

~ Aids the body in releasing stress
~ Stimulates and strengthens the immune system
~ Reduces pain and accelerates the healing process
~ Increases energy and restores balance
~ Promotes deep relaxation
~ Balances the Chakras of the body
~ Increases the flow of Prana
~ Establishes spiritual equilibrium
~ Supports the body’s natural ability to heal itself

In just one day you will be connected to the healing art of Reiki. You will learn the history of Reiki, the hand positions used in giving a Reiki Treatment and exactly how to give self treatments and treatments to your friends, loved ones and even your pets. You will be given an attuement which opens you to the Reiki Uiversal Flow of Energy - forever. You will also receive a comprehensive Reiki manual and a certificate of class completion.

I teach Reiki I, Reiki II, Reiki III and the Master/Teacher level. Please contact me for prices and class schedules. I am located in the Los Angeles / San Fernando Valley area.

Learn the ancient art of Reiki Healing.
Become a Reiki student and Reiki Master.

In Loving Service
